Hello Ohio.
Wedding season has hit a more normal flow (holy DANG was July and August intense!) so we decided to take a LONG overdue (and much too quick) visit to Roy's family back in Ohio.
Here are some of my favorite things from this trip
Nancy (aka Mom!) making us breakfast! She thinks it's no big deal, but what she doesn't realize is how little Roy and I actually enjoy the slowness of a big homemade breakfast. Usually we eat some toast with PB and run out the door - or grab a cliff bar. I restrained myself and only had one pancake. JK I HAD FOUR BYE!
Roy reading the Sunday Comics. This boy stays on his phone. I haven't seen him read anything made of actual paper --- ever. Which I suppose can be a good thing #minimalism. But. I love the romance of paper.
During our one full day there we took a quick walk through the woods with Roy's awesome sisters Becky and Kelly - and Kelly's studly man piece, Francesco.
We then stopped at his Grandma's house. She told us the story of how she met her husband, and what it was like when he went off to war. We looked at pics of her and him when they were young, and man she was a total babe!
This sparked us to look at baby albums when we got back to the house. OMG. Roy and his siblings are the flipping cutest - There were some GEMS for sure!
Holy dang isn't Roy CUTE?!?!??! That sweater though!
When we got to the airport, Roy and I talked excitedly about all the fun things we did, and how grateful we are for his family. We talked about his Grandmothers stories, and her sweetness, and how she gives great hugs. Then we were quiet. Filled with love but also it was bitter-sweet because we miss them so so so much.
We love Denver. A lot. It's changed our lives for the better. But in those quiet moments you can miss your family is a way you never thought you would.
Until next time Ohio! Thanks for welcoming us!